about us

About our company
INDTECH GANADERA S.L. was born in 2015 as a familiar company, wich distribute health and nutrition animal products. We evolved wuickly to become a national distributor.
We are a young and entrepreneurial company with a different philosophy:
the newest and specialized products for our livestock.
Dedicated to complementary feed and new therapeutic products distribution in swine and poultry.
Quality products
All our prodcuts are maximum quality and with especifical applicationwith proven efficiency. We have products for veterinarian service and for the farmer to help livestock grow health, keeping performance, always following our philoshophy of "desmedicalitation" as much as we can.
We beleive taht and adecuate nutrition is esential to prevent diseases.

Improving with you
Our secret is close and kind treatment of our personal, wich are in continuos formation to provide the innovations in livestock sector through a specialized service.
Our target is to evolve and improve day by day.
We know the diversity of every animal species and we provide an individualized solution for every problem may appear in the farm.
We set the starndard for livestock solutions in swine and poultry.
We offer a complete service in animal nutrition and health in all the national territory.
Ask to us!